As a result of that, there are some things that you should note about ACS. Number one is that most of their collections agents do not handle the same case twice. Because they don’t handle the same case twice, you’re often relying on the ACS agent to take very detailed notes about the call, discuss time tables and actions. Unfortunately, sometimes they don’t keep the best notes. It’s really important as a practitioner to keep notes and records every time you all ACS so that you can best document your case, so that you have an understanding of what was said. That way, if there’s any dispute later, if the IRS levies your client or if there’s any other negative action taken, you’ve got the name of the ACS agent, you’ve got their ID number, you got the date and time of your call. And by having those pieces of information when dealing with their supervisor saying, “Hey, so and so told me that we weren’t going to levy and they went ahead and levied.”
How Tax Returns are Selected For Audit
I have several attorney clients. Attorneys by the way make the worst clients.